Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Alcoholics Anonymous | June 3 | DonInLondon | Step 6 "Let Go"

June 3 2013: step six in mind… "Extreme feelings in extreme circumstances can produce old fears, pride and ego." "Kicking off with a self-righteous attitude…" We will be put in extreme circumstances from time to time, where our feelings rise and either the best of our attitudes and behaviour help us to stand with courage, faith and confidence, or the worst of our attitudes are expressed in the anger and frustration at what is happening…

Bad things happen to good people, and when things are bad and ugly, we can be pushed into anger and resentment. Even the best person, with the best outlook can be enraged by what goes on in the world. How we deal with matters? Denial, anger and resentment, frustration, and how often do we get to a place of acceptance of what we can and cannot do, learning the wisdom to know the difference? It can take me quite a while to be restored to balance and sanity…

Alcoholics Anonymous DonInLondon "Step Six Collection" June 3

Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 Steps AA, AA Step 6, Addiction And Recovery, DonInLondon, Don Oddy,

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