June 21 2013: step six in mind… "The landlord's surveyor is coming! An inspection of recent works, which are still incomplete… Yet more misinformation has been promulgated (manufactured half truths) which could have been used to undermine my concerns. Fortunately, I keep records and emails, especially from those who would bend the truth to their belief and opinions." And now what to do? Be angry and resentful? Be tolerant and loving? Thank God for web cams and voice recorders…
In the world of London UK, the UK government is urging transparency in all matters, except of course when it interferes with the national interest, which is quite understandable. However, when it comes to reputation of many people, under the guise of the national interest, an awful lot of personal accountability is covered up. It is not what they do which I ought to concentrate upon. It is me and my actions and sticking to the truth without anger and resentment. Facts are facts, and if I don't have anything to hide. I have nothing to fear but fear itself…
Anger and resentment: and with step six, pride, fear and ego rising will not help me today. Tolerance and love: and with step seven, courage to change, faith in doing the right thing and confidence that the truth is enough. When it is expressed, the truth without prejudice, and with a tolerant and learning attitude, progress can be made. I make progress, with regard to anyone else, that is their journey, even when it causes me problems. I cannot change them, I can change me and my attitudes and learn, let go with love and affection…
Alcoholics Anonymous DonInLondon "Step Six Collection" June 21 2013
Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 Steps AA, AA Step 6, Addiction And Recovery, DonInLondon, Don Oddy,
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