Saturday, 10 March 2012

March 10 | AA 12 Steps In Action | Step 3 | 2012 | Alcoholics Anonymous

March 10 | AA 12 Steps In Action | Step 3 "Let Go" | 2012 | Today's AA daily reflection: "today, it is my choice." The twelve steps are all about liberation and freedom to live the best we can be today. Experience is our teacher when it comes to how the twelve steps work. Understanding powerlessness, restoration and letting go are the first three steps, and I remind myself what they mean to me every day…

As the song goes, "life is a mystery…" And in recovery what was a mystery to me is how long I survived looking inwards for the answer to my problems rather than asking for help and looking outward for the solutions from anyone and everyone around me. Having been told to stand on my own two feet, put on a brave face and cover up, I still stand on my own two feet, and face my issues and ask for help when I need it…

It was a mystery to me, the mysterious ways of asking for help. "Good things happen in mysterious ways?" Asking for help from any source, and the inner resource we all have opens the door and stops isolation, fear and trepidation of not being good enough. And many people will help us to do what we cannot do for ourselves, usually love us enough so we make it into recovery one day at a time…

We all have an inner child, which loves to play and can be happy. Now my inner child is healthier, the mature adult is more wise and living with more free choices just for today… No expectations and no resentments under construction…


DonInLondon 2005-2011

Progress not perfection, a daily programme of learning ~ Jim Rohn "It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions." -/- Decisions made in the moment of now with courage, faith and confidence..

When we can, look for truth, and support in life choices ~ Robert H. Schuller "Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come." -/- A helicopter view often helps and a weathermap of our human heart...

Holding on too long to self will? Letting go and letting in providence ~ B. F. Skinner "I did not direct my life. I didn't design it. I never made decisions. Things always came up and made them for me. That's what life is." -/- We do have life choices as life unfolds...

Listening to our good conscience, wisdom of others guides our life decisions and choices ~ Thomas S. Monson "I hope that you will learn to take responsibility for your decisions. don't take counsel of your fears." -/- Just for today, courage to change...


AA Daily Reflection: TODAY, IT'S MY CHOICE ~ MARCH 10, we invariably find that at some time in the past we have made decisions based on self which later placed us in a position to be hurt. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.62

With the realization and acceptance that I had played a part in the way my life had turned out came a dramatic change in my outlook. It was at this point that the A.A. program began to work for me. In the past I had always blamed others, either God or other people, for my circumstances. I never felt that I had a choice in altering my life. My decisions had been based on fear, pride, or ego. As a result, those decisions led me down a path of self-destruction. Today I try to allow my God to guide me on the road to sanity. I am responsible for my action–or inaction–whatever the consequences may be.


Step 3 "Let Go" Reading Video Link:

"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him"


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