Friday, 6 January 2012

January 6 | AA 12 Steps In Action |

January 6 | AA 12 Steps In Action |

Today's daily reflection "the victory of surrender" taking the first steps towards living one day at a time. No longer at war with ourselves, no battles and no need to fight. Surrender is simply giving up on something we do not need any more, no more conflicts inside us when it comes to alcohol. The other victory is clarity and freedom to choose what we can do and what we cannot do just for today…

Finding recovery one day at a time, has truly opened the door to new freedoms. What was the daily grind, of work, career, drinking and any other elements of life still going, becomes simply daily life, where our needs are met and our wants diminish. Our needs are met and wants forgotten. Through hard work and living realistically, our natural instincts become more balanced. We treat ourselves and other people fairly in a very unfair world…

The saying "it is not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game" and "it truly is the journey and not the destination." If we enjoy the journey, and make free choices based on reality, we stop looking at the destination as the reward. The real reward is how we live today, as an individual and part of family, community and society. Sometimes we have never learned these ways of living,distracted and misled by false aspirations and possibilities. After all why would we have taken to drink in the first place if life were that wonderful…

Step one, powerless over alcohol and life unmanageable when drinking. Step two restored to sanity contingent on asking daily. Step three, letting go and letting good things happen and asking for help. Surrendering and giving up and letting go, can only work for a day because tomorrow everything can change and what has worked today may not work tomorrow. Steps are timeless principles, life forever changing and we change as each day unfolds…

Pablo Picasso "Everything you can imagine is real" Including Rock Bottom!

DonInLondon Posts in other places

12 steps, for emotional and spiritual connection to living in the day. Emotional, feeling my feelings as they happen rather than thinking about my feelings and if they are right feelings. Spiritual, living in the moment of now and coping with reality. If I feel my feelings in the moment then I am living right sized. When I feel happy I can be happy, when I feel sad I can be sad. When I feel fear, I need feel it and find out about it in the moment of now…

Open honest and willing, to love and be loved back and useful today. If I know my mood, I know how it influences my thinking. When I cherish people, I acknowledge they are equal and have a point of view. When I stop and ask myself "how does it feel to be in your shoes today?" Then I am likely to ask you, "how are you feeling today?" Likely it never crossed your mind to check what sort of mood you are in. If you're feeling okay and your thinking is okay all well and good. If you're feeling not okay, then your thinking may be undermined by your mood. We can be assertive and have empathy today…


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