Thursday, 19 January 2012

January 19 | AA 12 Steps In Action | 2012 |

January 19 | AA 12 Steps In Action | 2012 | A wonderful discussion with my dentist all about neuro-linguistic programming NLP, and how dentistry and NLP help plan patient needs through time. A lively debate followed on matters to do with how the brain works, which was part of my old profession. It was quite exciting, and me sharing about AA and how the 12 steps work… The 12 steps for me a natural progression back to reality and living in the day…

What is spiritual? I realise that we all see spiritual similarly and yet we often miss the spiritual angle to living. Every moment where we can see the truth of now, live in the moment and cope with reality is my best understanding so far. Living in reality: coping with it where feelings fit the experience, thinking and actions working. That is a tall order! As the past and the future can upset our balance at any time…

Today's AA daily, "about round-the-clock faith." From Webster's dictionary, "Faith, firm belief in something for which there is no proof: complete trust…" Back in the day, fear in isolation kept me in the dark and I had no faith in me or anyone, let alone a higher power. Step three in the program helped me to let go and let the world into my life…

I know I cannot define God, nor would I wish to because I cannot understand how nature and providence has made the world. Truly, as many say "God works through people," then letting go knowing everything, means I can ask for help about anything. It works, one day at a time. When I cannot work it out for myself, I now know asking for help is strength and not weakness…

DonInLondon 2005-2011

Three measures: To what extent do we cherish people in our lives? To what extent are we indifferent? To what extent are we superficial? As we treat others, we treat ourselves, as we treat others they too work with how we are. We get as good as we give; every day is different as we learn to live life...

Step One "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable"

"God [it is what we understand to be God or a "Higher Power"] grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot, Courage to Change the things I can and the Wisdom to Know the Difference" God is Truth Love and Wisdom in the moment of now...

AA Daily: ROUND-THE-CLOCK FAITH JANUARY 19 Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us, or we perish. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.16

The essence of my spiritually, and my sobriety, rests on a round-the-clock faith in a Higher Power. I need to remember and rely on the God of my understanding as I pursue all of my daily activities. How comforting for me is the concept that God works in and through people. As I pause in my day, do I recall specific concrete examples of God’s presence? Am I amazed and uplifted by the number of times this power is evident? I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my God’s presence in my life of recovery. Without this omnipotent force in my every activity, I would again fall into the depths of my disease – and death.


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