January 21 | AA 12 Steps In Action | 2012 | Two meetings yesterday: morning "just for today," and in the evening "courage to change." Living in the moment of now where everything happens is not easy for any human being. Memories of the past and future dreams can impact on what we do today. If fear grips me, step six and defects may rule my actions and outlook. With faith in the next right action and consultation, step seven improves my outlook. At sixes and sevens is not unusual for anyone even in recovery…
AA daily reflections: "humility and weakness." Over the years I have come to recognise that humility is not necessarily a weakness. Humility is openness to keep learning and be even handed in our relationships. Indeed humility and vulnerability have become part of the bedrock of strong sobriety…
Service to others: all about being supportive and helpful, reminding ourselves what it is like in early days. There are no rules laws or regulations to govern anyone in our fellowship, we are all equal. We may violate each other's sensibilities by our behaviour as newcomers and old-timers, at the same time we all have a right to learn and live sober one day to time…
In a meeting recently, a phone goes off in the newcomer’s pocket. They answer as somebody else is sharing, and the phone conversation starts with "hello mum," and an old-timer says emphatically "take it outside!" The sharer, the phone call from mum, and the "take it outside" comment almost unhinges the meetings serenity… We all learn humility? I imagine some of us do…
Why a one-day programme? So we can handle our situation "right sized." Right sized in the day, where our feelings fit with reality, happy or sad as we are, accepting our feelings. Feelings impact on our thinking and actions. Feeling good, thinking good and actions likely to be good. Feeling sad, thinking sad and our actions likely to be sad… Feelings never lie, our thinking on the other hand does as denial of reality often occurs…
DonInLondon 2005-2011
Recovery and Forgiveness ~ Bob Marley "Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your feelings; put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!" -/- Just For A Day!
Step One "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable"
AA Daily: SERVING MY BROTHER JANUARY 21, the member talks to the newcomer not in a spirit of power but in a spirit of humility and weakness. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS COMES OF AGE p. 279
As the days pass in A.A., I ask God to guide my thoughts and the words that I speak. In this labour of continuous participation in the Fellowship, I have numerous opportunities to speak. So I frequently ask God to help me watch over my thoughts and my words, that they may be the true and proper reflections of our program; to focus my aspirations once again to seek His guidance; to help me be truly kind and loving, helpful and healing, yet always filled with humility, and free from any trace of arrogance.
Today I may very well have to deal with disagreeable attitudes or utterances — the typical stock-in-trade attitude of the still-suffering alcoholic. If this should happen, I will take a moment to centre myself in God, so that I will be able to respond from a perspective of composure, strength and sensibility.
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