Wednesday, 18 January 2012

January 18 | AA 12 Steps In Action | 2012 |

January 18 | AA 12 Steps In Action | 2012 | Today's AA daily reflection, "would a drink help?" Back in the day, I did not have that level of awareness about my drinking habits. I simply drank pretty much most evenings and weekends because it was part of my daily routine…

Back in my drinking days, most of the people I knew and my family simply drank alcohol as and when we felt like it. When we felt like it, is the key. Feeling happy, drink, feeling sad, drink and feeling like a drink, drink. A drinking habit, just like everybody we knew. The difference for me, it was not only habit, it became addiction and I didn't know I was there in the addiction until I was…

Before I became an addict, there was ignorance of my situation and condition. Then as the truth unfolds, we find ourselves in denial because it simply won't do for us to be alcoholic. A natural and normal reaction to a problem with our best friend, "alcohol"…

I know today I am powerless over alcohol and if I take a drink life will become unmanageable and horrible. Today I don't need to drink, because I have learned to cope with reality, with the help and support of people around me. Taking a drink or even thinking a drink might help is not really an option anymore.

Letting go my best friend, a substance rather than a human being is the best outcome I could ever imagine. How on earth could it ever have come to pass that a substance would replace human contact? It did, is what I know today…

DonInLondon 2005-2011

The AA tool kit ~ so many components and always utilised in our own unique way for a day. Bed rock skills for life, I was reminded in the meeting that three utilities fit all situations: 1. Truth, learning the truth as it happens 2. Love, learning how to love and be loved 3. Wisdom, from experience and most often wisdom shared. Three of many tools today…

Newcomers meeting tonight: 90 minutes, all the trimmings. All the newcomers left at 60 minutes. I wondered why, then reminded myself how I was at newcomer meetings as a newcomer, listening to the answer to all my problems today, I listened to the differences, I was not an alcoholic, "they were" I was just taking a break from drink in a difficult life...

Step One "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable"

AA Daily ~ WOULD A DRINK HELP? 18 Jan 2012 By going back in our drinking histories, we could show that years before we realized it we were out of control, that our drinking even then was no mere habit, that was indeed the beginning of a fatal progression. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 23

When I was still drinking, I couldn’t respond to any of life’s situations the way other, more healthy, people could. The smallest incident triggered a state of mind that believed I had to have a drink to numb my feelings. But the numbing did not improve the situation, so I sought further escape in the bottle. Today I must be aware of my alcoholism. I cannot afford to believe that I have gained control of my drinking – or again I will think I have gained control of my life. Such a feeling of control is fatal to my recovery.

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