Monday, 14 November 2011

November 14 | AA 12 Steps In Action |

November 14 | AA 12 Steps In Action |

I know now that for a long time my feelings of fear and putting on a brave face made my life difficult. Fear of not being good enough in relationships and the fear of expressing love in case it was not wanted. Today I can feel love and express it, share and be unafraid. I may not be loved back or I may be, and that is good for me today. Love is unconditional, we can cope, live reality, let go and move along. Smiles here, "Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass." Desiderata

A surprise, a knock on the door and a friend is there, a moment in their company and the world lights up. Inspired and happy, the day is brighter. In recovery, a moment can bring a whole day into perspective, reinforce all the reasons why we live one day at a time, see all the possibilities, keep our feet on the ground, work out what we can do and cannot do, moment to imperfectly perfect moment, experience and wisdom is making the difference today...

DonInLondon 2005-2010

November 14 2010 ~ Intuition and inspiration: I hear inspiration in recovery as we share experience, strength and hope with each other in meetings, the power of the many experiences greater than my own. As I practice recovery principles in all my affairs: truth, love and wisdom grows and improves my intuition as I live sober today...

November 14 2010 ~ Prayer and meditation helps me improve my conscious contact with reality. I can be human sized in my emotional and spiritual living. Always in the action, understanding my feelings and actions as they are happening, no longer burdened by the past or fearing the future, coping in the moment of now...


AA Daily Reflections ~ "INTUITION AND INSPIRATION" we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 86

I invest my time in what I truly love. Step Eleven is a discipline that allows me and my Higher Power to be together, reminding me that, with God’s help, intuition and inspiration are possible. Practice of the Step brings on self-love. In a consistent attempt to improve my conscious contact with a Higher Power, I am subtly reminded of my unhealthy past, with its patterns of grandiose thinking and false feeling of omnipotence. When I ask for the power to carry out God’s will for me, I am made aware of my powerlessness. Humility and a healthy self-love are compatible, a direct result of working Step Eleven."


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