Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Alcoholics Anonymous Blog December 17 2014 "Freedom To Choose”

Alcoholics Anonymous Blog December 17 2014 "Freedom To Choose”


Video December 17


Only a week to go to Christmas Eve, and London seems to be full of shoppers, shopping as if there were no tomorrow. Fortunately for me, not because I am a Scrooge, but because I can say that my needs are met, and any wants that manifest from all the advertising are unnecessary, life is good. I wouldn't mind some extra finance, but that is unimportant, I would like some romance, and yet I wonder if I might fear it should anything happen.


Fear and faith came up in our meeting. A good topic for just before Christmas. Romance and finance can make life difficult. And yet it seems we all want to work out the answers to our needs in advance of some sort of mutual discussion with those who might be involved. Always there will be fear of the unknown to an extent, it is a natural occurring part of life no matter what the age we have attained physically. A healthy respect or fearful worry?


If we don't share what is going on with those closest to us, if we don't develop trusting relationships with friends, life will feel lonely and somehow fearful because we cannot control what happens next?


Control of events, especially this time of year, in my world I don't try to control anything which involves other people, because until I consult other people, there are no agreements and there are no negotiations. Expectations at this time of year, a holiday season where everyone has something going on, well, how to be included is one thing, how to be excluded is another.


If we are part of something, if we have connections, working out what to do next does require some understanding between all parties. No need to try work out the best way forward other than to be open honest and willing about what we need to live and be happy when the world seems to be celebrating and utilising something we do not do any more. Mind you, a large proportion of the world does not indulge in addictive substances or behaviours. And their lives are not interrupted due to headaches which are self-inflicted. Often the solution is to turn up and be ready to be part of something, without expectations and without entitlements. Life can be happy and difficult all at the same time. Joyful, even like this morning!


Step Twelve Reading 12 & 12


Step Twelve Reading 12 & 12



Alcoholics Anonymous Videos, AA is for Alcoholics, AA 12 Steps, Addiction And Recovery, DonInLondon, Don Oddy,

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