Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Alcoholics Anonymous Blog & Video | May 28 2014

Alcoholics Anonymous Blog & Video | May 28 2014


May 28 Video


A history of entitlement! Feels like the whole of the European nations have made some decisions about their entitlements, and have told their governments through the ballot box what they think. Politicians feel entitled to who govern without reference to their electorate. And in recovery, if we hold onto certain entitlements, we have expectations which will become resentments under construction.


Expectations are resentments under construction. The main political parties in the UK were challenged by a party called UKIP. The main political parties have taken no notice of the electorate, they made a lot of assumptions that the UK citizens were not going to vote against them at local or European level and they will vote properly next year? I hope the UK electorate give the main political parties a real kicking up the bottom because they expect people to settle for incompetent Posh twits to govern them. I won't be voting for any of the above, unless there is a "step change" in their activities to the good. Truth hurts, especially if you are a career politician, milking the system and doing bugger all.


Anyway, coming to the end of May and my feelings about step five: surrendering to the truth. I need to find the truth on a daily basis, and it's very difficult to find the truth on my own. I'm full of my own BS and opinions. If I'm not careful, I forget that truth comes from sharing and being part of Fellowship and society. I could not get sober on my own, and if I were to revert back to my own opinions all the time, I would be ignorant and uninformed. I need people and their truth always.


I do accept that life is difficult, and having accepted it is difficult, living in a can do and cannot do frame of mind helps me keep my serenity, and even when things are not right, I do have the right to share my point of view. It does not mean I am going to get my own way ever, it means I have acceptance around the possible, what is possible, and what is not possible and over which I am powerless. I am powerless over people places and things, at the same time I can share my outlook. And it does not mean I am right either, well not more than 90% of the time, just like you!



Step Five Video 12 And 12

Step Five Video 12 And 12


Alcoholics Anonymous Videos, AA is for Alcoholics, AA 12 Steps, Addiction And Recovery, DonInLondon, Don Oddy,

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