Saturday, 9 April 2011

April 9 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

April 9 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

Stone walls do not a prison make, most often we are constrained by our own feelings of fear and putting on an act of being okay. When suggested, feel the fear and do it anyway.. we need find our truth, what is right for us and seek help from those we trust and love. And of course any power greater than us with wisdom, family, community fellowship as we come to understand..

Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty.

Freedom in our choices made possible in sober reality, open the door to equalities and acceptance of ourselves and everyone ~ Gloria Steinem "A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space." Right sized, feet on the ground, human, happy or sad as we may be, just for today...

As Bill Sees It ~ When Defects Are Less than Deadly Practically everybody wishes to be rid of his most glaring and destructive handicaps. No one wants to be so proud that he is scorned as a braggart, nor so greedy that he is labeled a thief. No one wants to be angry enough to murder, lustful enough to rape, gluttonous enough to ruin his health. No one wants to be agonized by chronic envy or paralyzed by sloth.

Of course, most human beings don't suffer these defects at these rock-bottom levels, and we who have escaped such extremes are apt to congratulate ourselves. Yet can we? After all, hasn't it been selfinterest that has enabled most of us to escape? Not much spiritual effort is involved in avoiding excesses which will bring us punishment anyway. But when we face up to the less violent aspects of these very same defects, where do we stand then? TWELVE AND TWELVE, P. 66

Daily Reflections ~ FREEDOM FROM "KING ALCOHOL" . . let us not suppose even for an instant that we are not under constraint. . . . Our former tyrant, King Alcohol, always stands ready again to clutch us to him. Therefore, freedom from alcohol is the great “must” that has to be achieved, else we go mad or die. As Bill Sees It, p. 134

When drinking, I lived in spiritual, emotional, and sometimes, physical confinement. I had constructed my prison with bars of self-will and self-indulgence, from which I could not escape. Occasional dry spells that seemed to promise freedom would turn out to be little more than hopes of reprieve. True escape required a willingness to follow whatever right actions were needed to turn the lock. With that willingness and action, both the lock and the bars themselves opened for me. Continued willingness and action keep me free–in a kind of extended daily probation–that need never end.

I do not speak for Alcoholics Anonymous I speak for myself. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of unique and authentic people who speak for themselves where they will to share experience, strength and hope about recovery on a daily basis. Anonymity affords sanctuary to find how to live sober and be open, honest and willing to learn life day by day. For me "truth," "love" and "wisdom" offer the best spiritual experience by living reality today. Into the fabric of recovery from alcoholism are woven the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions, steps to be open honest and willing to learn, traditions to live unity service and recovery.

spiritual principles ~ acceptance surrender faith open-mindedness honesty willingness moral-inventory amends humility persistence spiritual-growth service

Step 4: "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves." We want to uncover the truth about ourselves. We want to discover the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, fears, actions, behaviors, and the behavior patterns - that have been blocking us, causing us problems and causing our failure.

Open To Truth, Love And Wisdom of Others [we let go having to be right, self obsessed and self medicating our lives into oblivion and harms way]

We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works...

Alcoholics Anonymous Videos, DonInLondon, Life Works In Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous Video | DonInLondon | Life Works In Recovery |

AA Big Book Videos Chapters 1 - 11

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 1 Bill's Story |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 2 There Is A Solution |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 3 More About Alcoholism |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 4 We Agnostics |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 5 How It Works |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 6 Into Action |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 7 Working With Others |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 8 To Wives |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 9 The Family Afterward |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 10 To Employers |

AA Big Book Video | Chapter 11 A Vision For You |

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