Thursday 9 June 2011

Alcoholics Anonymous Steps In Action June 9

Alcoholics Anonymous Steps In Action June 9

AA Daily Reflections ~ "LIVING IN THE NOW... First, we try living in the now just in order to stay sober — and it works. Once the idea has become a part of our thinking, we find that living life in 24 hour segments is an effective and satisfying way to handle many other matters as well. LIVING SOBER, p. 7

“One Day At A. Time.” To a newcomer this and other one-liners of A.A. may seem ridiculous. The passwords of the A.A. Fellowship can become lifelines in moments of stress. Each day can be like a rose unfurling according to the plan of a Power greater than myself. My program should be planted in the right location, just as it will need to be groomed, nourished, and protected from disease. My planting will require patience, and my realizing that some flowers will be more perfect than others. Each stage of the petals’ unfolding can bring wonder and delight if I do not interfere or let my expectations override my acceptance — and this brings serenity.
Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready."

DonInLondon Reflections ~ "Any time, any place and anywhere, the twelve steps are timeless principles because they never wear out. The steps, at your service and always work in the moment. How am I feeling, why and what can I do today? Part of my morning meditations now is to know my outlook so I can be free to live life on life's terms today, freedom to be me...

Letting go and letting good prevail. As I came out of the darkest of times in addiction, it was a slow and steady progress of shrugging off the old outlooks. No drink, no oblivion, no dread. Paranoia haunted me a long while. Then room to find faith courage and confidence to live life today…

Helicopter Views... When we can only see life our own way, we have one view, our own view. When we feel pressure we feel life more at the extremes. Taking account of others and their point of view in the here and now, offers opportunity to be right sized with everyone just for today..

Slow Down To Now.. Reaction to new situations with old behaviour. Anger resentment, frustration are evoked by experiences today. Old behaviour can overwhelm and distort the present moment. Take in each new situation, consider how to respond as reality is. In recovery, can do, cannot do..."

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

Alcoholics Anonymous Steps In Action June 8

AA Daily Reflections ~ "OPENING UP TO CHANGE... Self-searching is the means by which we bring new vision, action, and grace to bear upon the dark and negative side of our natures. With it comes the development of that kind of humility that makes it possible for us to receive God’s help. . . . we find that bit by bit we can discard the old life — the one that did not work — for a new life that can and does work under any conditions whatever. AS BILL SEES IT, pp. 10, 8

I have been given a daily reprieve contingent upon my spiritual condition, provided I seek progress, not perfection. To become ready for change, I practice willingness, opening myself to possibilities of change. If I realize there are defects that hinder my usefulness in A.A. and toward others, I become ready by meditating and receiving direction. “Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely” (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 58). To let go and let God, I need only surrender my old ways to Him; I no longer fight nor do I try to control, but simply believe that, with God’s help, I am changed and affirming this belief makes me ready. I empty myself to be full of awareness, light, and love, and I am ready to face each day with hope."

DonInLondon ~ Sober, contingent on my spiritual condition? I looked for the fine print in the fellowship, the get out clauses, the short cuts, something they failed to mention. I do not know who I thought "they" were. I tried in vain, there were no hidden features and there was no "they" to complain to in AA. Its simply us today...

A life time in a day... At the end of each day, We will know more about who we are, how life can challenge us and our attitudes, how we are open, honest and willing to change. Where we had strong feelings, where we have gratitude and where we have solace, where we have acceptance...

The easier softer way... To live in reality, to experience our feelings as they are happening, to be a part of the big picture. To develop esteem, faith and courage in real time, to be human, to love, be loved and useful, to share experience strength and hope, happy or sad as life is...

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Alcoholics Anonymous Steps In Action June 7

AA Daily Reflections ~ "LONG-TERM HOPE Since most of us are born with an abundance of natural desires, it isn’t strange that we often let these far exceed their intended purpose. When they drive us blindly, or we willfully demand that they supply us with more satisfactions or pleasures than are possible or due us, that is the point at which we depart from the degree of perfection that God wishes for us here on earth. That is the measure of our character defects, or, if you wish, of our sins. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 65

This is where long-term hope is born and perspective is gained, both of the nature of my illness and the path of my recovery. The beauty of A.A. lies in knowing that my life, with God’s help, will improve. The A.A. journey becomes richer, the understanding becomes truth, the dreams become realities–and today becomes forever. As I step into the A.A. light, my heart fills with the presence of God."

DonInLondon ~ Past PRESENT Future... We can be beguild by the past. Reminded of the good times and the bad times, we can evoke powerful memories and extremes. We can look forward and miss the present moment, today we can make choices based on reality, always the present perfect moment to change...

Long Term Hope... Always in the action and today. If we can ground ourselves in what we can do now, cannot do now, we set a plan for the day. Needs met, wants in balance. We can be hopeful, long term for us can be this one day. Our actions today are foundations and the future becomes possible...

"Your time is precious, don’t waste it living someone else’s idea of life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t drown in other’s opinion, listen to your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, you already know what you truly need to become. Freedom in action"

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Alcoholics Anonymous Steps In Action June 6

AA Daily Reflections ~ "ALL WE DO Is Try... Can He now take them all — every one? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 76

In doing Step Six it helped me a lot to remember that I am striving for “spiritual progress.” Some of my character defects may be with me for the rest of my life, but most have been toned down or eliminated. All that Step Six asks of me is to become willing to name my defects, claim them as my own, and be willing to discard the ones I can, just for today. As I grow in the program, many of my defects become more objectionable to me than previously and, therefore, I need to repeat Step Six so that I can become happier with myself and maintain my serenity."

DonInLondon ~ When I am disturbed it is for a reason and very valid to question why. When I am disturbed by people places and things, if I can see the situation through their eyes long enough to understand why, I may find a path and make choices which keep me safe and out of harms way... step 6, step 1, step 11 & 12

Step six problem step seven to solution... Stuck in old ways, fear, brave facing, cover up, and spinning we are the problem and will find ourselves back in it from time to time. In time we develop courage, faith and confidence to learn and be human today...

Steps work just for today; defects are at the extremes of attitudes and behaviour, balance in the middle? The wisdom comes from living them, after studying them. As we recognise how steps are working for us, we keep our books handy for daily reference and sharing, living texts for people living...

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

June 5 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

The principles of unity, service and recovery, sharing experience strength and hope. Equality is at the heart of fellowship, our "anarchic democracy." No rules or laws. Inclusion not exclusion. In fellowship, the rooms provide sanctuary to experience truth, love and wisdom. Freedom from oppression, free to make informed choices and live life on life's terms today...

Truth Will Set Us Free... We have no monopoly on truth, it takes courage to face the truth because we cannot control the outcomes. If we hold back on our truth, we exclude others from their choices. For me God is truth, it offers a freedom, forgiveness and acceptance of life today

All we do is try... If we are to maintain our path of open honest and willing, we need be aware where our defects of character can block our progress. Fear of being found out often hampers as shame and guilt prevail. Secrets keep us sick, truth offers freedom for recovery to prevail...

AA Daily Reflections ~ "ENTIRELY READY? “This is the Step that separates the men from the boys.”. . . the difference between “the boys and the men” is the difference between striving for a self determined objective and for the perfect objective which is of God. . . It is suggested that we ought to become entirely willing to aim toward perfection. . . The moment we say, “No, never!” our minds close against the grace of God. . . This is the exact point at which we abandon limited objectives, and move toward God’s will for us. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, pp. 63, 68, 69

Am I entirely ready to have God remove these defects of character? Do I know at long last that I cannot save myself? I have come to believe that I cannot. If I am unable, if my best intentions go wrong, if my desires are selfishly motivated and if my knowledge and will are limited — then I am ready to embrace God’s will for my life."

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

June 4 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

In recovery, we can be happy or sad and still enjoy our freedom. It is good to be able to make choices each day and know as life changes, so too our choices can always change...

All About Recovery ~ Recovery from addiction to substance and behaviour. What works for me? The many voices in fellowship who share experience, strength and hope. Recovery is about learning new attitudes and behaviour to be open, honest and willing to learn. Freedom of choice one day at a time...

AA Daily Reflections ~ "LETTING GO OF OUR OLD SELVES... JUNE 4, 2011 Carefully reading the first five proposals we ask if we have omitted anything, for we are building an arch through which we shall walk a free man at last. . . . Are we now ready to let God remove from us all the things which we have admitted are objectionable? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, pp. 75, 76

The Sixth Step is the last “preparation” Step. Although I have already used prayer extensively, I have made no formal request of my Higher Power in the first Six Steps. I have identified my problem, come to believe that there is a solution, made a decision to seek this solution, and have “cleaned house.” I now ask: Am I willing to live a life of sobriety, of change, to let go of my old self? I must determine if I am truly ready to change. I review what I have done and become willing for God to remove all my defects of character; for in the next Step, I will tell my Creator I am willing and will ask for help. If I have been thorough in the preparation of my foundation and feel that I am willing to change, I am then ready to continue with the next Step. “If we still cling to something we will not let go, we ask God to help us be willing.” (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 76)

DonInLondon ~ Hurt People, Hurt People.. If we are hurting how likely is it that that we will consciously or unconsciously hurt others? Withdrawn, isolated our thinking and feelings may remain dark.. Make contact, a phone call, a meeting, let out and express. If we hurt less, we hurt less people...

Letting go of our old selves... The daily reprieve from old attitudes and behaviour, our daily reflections, we live the steps today. At any time we can return to old feelings and thinking. Keeping our living in the day, “day sized,” we treat ourselves and others more “right sized” and choices manageable...

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

June 3 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

AA Daily Reflections ~ "ON A WING AND A PRAYER... . . . . we then look at Step Six. We have emphasized willingness as being indispensable. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 76
Steps Four and Five were difficult, but worthwhile. Now I was stuck on Step Six and, in despair, I picked up the Big Book and read this passage. I was outside, praying for willingness, when I raised my eyes and saw a huge bird rising in the sky. I watched it suddenly give itself up to the powerful air currents of the mountains. Swept, along, swooping and soaring, the bird did things seemingly impossible for mortal birds to do. It was an inspiring example of a fellow creature “letting go” to a power greater than itself. I realized that the bird “took back his will” and tried to fly with less trust, on its power alone, it would spoil its apparent free flight. That insight granted me the willingness to pray the Seventh Step prayer. It’s not easy to know God’s will in each circumstance. I must search out and be ready for the currents, and that’s where prayer and meditation help! Because I am, of myself, nothing, I ask God to grant me the knowledge of His will and the power and courage to carry it out — today."

Wing and a prayer.. We are all of nature, learning and developing emotional attributes. We find "balance" in all matters offers freedom of choices in this one day. Stuck in extremes we may cope a while. Open and willing to change, we cope less and live more freely moment to moment...

Steps...Sixes and Sevens... Morning reflections start with our inner voice on waking. We can be at "sixes", tired from a restless night, angry, resentful at noises and yesterdays dismays, and then as we come round, acceptance and "sevens," courage and faith... Sixes and sevens, always a balance today

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

Alcoholics Anonymous Videos, DonInLondon, Life Works In Recovery, Addiction And Recovery Videos, Alcoholic, Alcoholism

Alcoholics Anonymous Video | DonInLondon | Life Works In Recovery |

June 2 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

AA Daily Reflections ~ "THE UPWARD PATH... Here are the steps we took. . . . . ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 59

These are the words that lead into the Twelve Steps. In their direct simplicity they sweep aside all psychological and philosophical considerations about the rightness of the Steps. They describe what I did: I took the Steps and sobriety was the result. These words do not imply that I should walk the well-trodden path of those who went before, but rather that there is a way for me to become sober and that it is a way I shall have to find. It is a new path, one that leads to infinite light at the top of the mountain. The Steps advise me about the footholds that are safe and about chasms to avoid. They provide me with the tools I need during the many parts of the solitary journey of my soul. When I speak of this journey, I share my experience, strength and hope with others."

Let go humour...King George V, on the verge of death, surrounded by his family. The King’s physician reportedly suggests, “Your Majesty will soon be well enough to visit Bognor.” [A Spa Town] The King replies, “Bugger Bognor”... Famous last words, let go move on... laugh be happy

Progress Not Perfection... Letting go and enjoying progress, to be on the path of living now. Step four, our inventory of torments and triumphs, step five sharing our life story. Step six recognising the defects are prolongued extremes of feeling and being stuck... Today we can change

Forgiving In Recovery... How am I feeling today? Life is hard knocks and joy from moment to moment... Doing our best may feel the worst for others.. And the worst of others we experience is the best they can be in this moment. Acceptance of how life is now opens up our choices...

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

June 1 | Alcoholics Anonymous Daily Video |

Seven years sober today... calm this morning.. Day by day, a journey made possible with the support of fellowship.. "Newcomers" to "Old timers," thankful for the many still on the path and remembering those who have perished along the way, love and gratitude...

June & July Steps six and seven in the daily reflections. Step six days, all about events which evoke fear, a desire to hide our truth and put on a brave face and ego comes rising. Or step seven days where events evoke courage, faith and confidence.. If I know how I feel, I know how to deal...

Step 6 is a step of preparation and reflection. I have been preparing for a significant change in my life and now I need to make sure that I am ready. I need to make sure in my own heart and mind that I am truly willing for God to remove these defects of character that have enabled my addictive behaviors. It might mean letting go of other things in my life in order to allow God to do the work that needs to be done. I need to determine if I am truly ready.

AA Daily Reflections ~ "A CHANGED OUTLOOK Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 84

When I was drinking, my attitude was totally selfish, totally self-centered; my pleasure and my comfort came first. Now that I am sober, self-seeking has started to slip away. My whole attitude toward life and other people is changing. For me, the first “A” in our name stands for attitude. My attitude is changed by the second “A” in our name, which stands for action. By working the Steps, attending meetings, and carrying the message, I can be restored to sanity. Action is the magic word! With a positive, helpful attitude and regular A.A. action, I can stay sober and help others to achieve sobriety. My attitude now is that I am willing to go to any length to stay sober!"

"The A.A. Steps & Traditions are neither rules, regulations, nor laws. Perhaps the secret of their power lies in the fact that these life-giving communications spring out of living experience and are rooted in love." 1. A.A. COMES OF AGE, P. 105." "We find it amazing that the newcomer can start the A.A. program without any specific beliefs or, for that matter, without any beliefs whatsoever. All a person needs is the open-mindedness and the willingness to believe that WE BELIEVE this program works..."

Spiritual principles to live life "real" ~ "Forgiveness" "Acceptance" "Surrender" "Faith" "Open-mindedness" "Honesty" "Willingness" "Moral-inventory" "Amends" "Humility" "Persistence" "Spiritual-growth" "Service"

Step 6 "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character"

Step Six AA 12&12 Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions

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